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It's Go Time!

So.  I left you knowing it was Day 47 and with Dr. Johnny Boy saying that it was finally time to have a baby.  The plan was set. (and I do love a good plan. I love pretending I will follow a good plan. But we all know I don't always do well following a good plan.) Here's the way it was presented to me: I would be moved down to Labor and Delivery (from here on out, I will shorten this to L&D) in the evening to get settled and in the wee hours of the next morning, my nurse would get me up to shower. Then, they would start my induction. That way, by the time Dr. Johnny Boy got to the hospital, I would likely be ready for him to do his job. All would be great.  My job was simple. I was to call Lee Cave and my parents. I had told my mother that she could be in the delivery room while I delivered this bouncing baby boy. I needed to call her so that she could get to preparing for the occasion. But who am I kidding? She was already prepared. She just needed to know what time to sho

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